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His speed and strength around the edge

His speed and strength around the edge of the field are what made him an Volunteer record-breaker as well as one of the most explosive prospects leading up to this year's draft. Barnett is a rogue off his line in the kind of first step that gives offensive tackles the jitters.

The majority his most memorable plays begin with Barnett leaning towards and driving right past his blocker by collapsing the pocket on the quarterback's blind side and causing chaos at the line of scrimmage.

Barnett is also quick enough laterally to bring down ball carriers in space, often due to his ability to spot screen plays, and then disrupt blockers. Barnett's athleticism at 6'3 and 259 pounds allows him to be versatile as he is able to play in coverage when the need arises.

Although he was a 4-3 defensive lineman in college but with some polish, he could also transition as an outside linebacker in a 3-4 configuration. Can those skills be translated into in Madden NFL 23? Derek Barnett Scouting Report

"Not just was Barnett a consistent threat with at least 10 sacks in all three seasons in orange, he also accomplished great work against Tennessee's most formidable opponent. When he was a freshman, he gained greatly by Curt Maggitt's presence. Barnett was the center of attention of opposing offensive lines over the past two seasons and it did not hinder him much at all." -- Find out more at Rocky Top Talk I know you absolutely love our Mut 23 coins and want to play more? you can visit mmoexp.

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