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Kudos on EA for giving us an entirely new shooting option

When to utilize Power Shots: due to the animation taking quite a bit of time to complete Power shots should only be employed when there is plenty of time to execute the command. Most commonly, any power shot that you attempt to take within the 18-yard mark will be stopped if the path isn't clear enough as the trajectory tends to be more flat in comparison to finesse shots.

Kudos on EA for giving us an entirely new shooting option and especially one that includes the ability to aim manually. Also, to turn off the snarky zoom-in effect that plays out in the event that the powershot is activated. Overall, it's an awesome accessory to shooting.

Set pieces have been boring in FIFA through the years. While free kicks are still very rare for me however, when you do find one they are much more exciting. Additionally penalties have been simplified to improve. Furthermore, the corners haven't been able to copy the same mechanics as set pieces, they also come with a new camera view.

Look at the calm circle surrounding the ball.

Click shoot when the circle is at its lowest for maximal accuracy

Hold down R1/RB or L1/LB simultaneously while you shoot to perform a finesse or chip shot.

Make use of your left hand to guide the ball prior to the ball is hit.

Corner kicks have the same set plays tied to the D pad, which means you have the option to select from several to use in both defensive and attacking situations.

If you want to know more about Mmoexp FIFA 23 Coins, please visit mmoexp.com

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