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FIFA 22 - The Preview Packs were introduced in Ultimate Team

"It began to drop towards the final stretch of the season therefore some of the data should be taken into that perspective, but we are committed to continue to innovating in and around the offerings as well as the programs we create to our players. We are confident that we will continue to grow that business in the future," he added.

The Preview Packs were introduced in Ultimate Team in June, offering players the opportunity to explore what's inside each pack before buying. This change was introduced in response to requests from various organizations including government agencies, children's welfare groups, and gambling charities, as reports have revealed relationships between loot bins and gambling.

But, knowing the contents of the loot boxes include allows players to decide the decision to commit to spending money. In reality, this is actually converting to higher numbers of sales EA.

"What we observed with the Preview Packs was, we saw an increase in the number of new players joining Ultimate Team, and we saw higher conversions of these new players around buying packs and participating in the online ecosystem," said Wilson."Our teams will continue to search for exciting innovative, fresh, and imaginative ways to help players to be more engaged and be more engaged, and the Preview Packs are one of those examples."

While the Preview Packs were introduced as a Time-limited initiative and it's now looking like EA may decide to make it into an ongoing feature, but there is not yet confirmation of its roll-out in time for FIFA 22.The Bureau of the FIFA Council has approved a change in the men's International Match Calendar in response to the global disruption caused by the COVID-19 epidemic.

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  • Veröffentlichung: 23.11.2021 01:29
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