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We've decided to take the liberty of listing

The Diablo 4 beta hasn't convinced me as of yet, but I'm looking forward to playing longer (Set Items or not).

Within the realm of PC games news is never dull. While our fantastic virtual universe continues to revolve around its virtual axis of rotation, there's a many exciting things to look forward to in the coming years. There's Hogwarts Legacy, Starfield, Diablo 4 and more However, it's not a bad idea to turn our minds back to some of the most memorable PC games from 2022. As Christmas is drawing to an end and fireworks appear on the horizon, we've decided to take the liberty of listing some of the years most important news events in one location - after all, what's not to love more than a bit of nostalgia?

One of the most exciting announcements to come out of January was Blizzard's announcement of a brand new game set in an "all all-new universe" is in the works adding another bow to Diablo's and WoW creator's bow metaphor. Blizzard wasn't the only company to announce something brand spanking new however, as Apex Legends creator Respawn Entertainment also revealed that they are working on a different triple-A shooter.

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