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The Archimage who wants to embrace the Druid

The aristocratic dejected and aureate adornment blush arrangement that this set initially comes in is complete arresting but can afterwards be acclimatized to lath added alarming colors if that's the attending players are activity for. Players can acclimatize the blush schemes of armor sets already the allotment has been transmogrified.

Players will be able to admission this armor set by annexation the alone pieces from collapsed enemies and chests. Already all the pieces accept been acquired, players can buck the pieces at a blacksmith in adjustment to barter the set.

For the Archimage who wants to embrace the Druid aesthetic, this armor set is the complete choice. While some players may still abhor accoutrement their altogether crafted arch of hair, accoutrement it with fur and adorning it with a skull is next-level intimidating. The skull on the avant-garde appears to be one of a bird, with awkward accoutrement placed on either ancillary of the skull. The nice, cozy-looking blooming dress that's additionally allotment of the armor set creates a complete Druidic artful that players are abiding to love.

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