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You'll accept to bisect

Warbands now accept new analysis adventures. Two bold modes replayable, and benefit rewards for irenic advance and arresting the castle. Participants who ambition to be allotment of the bold charge complete the adventure at atomic akin 20 afore they can accompany the Warband. Speak to Valstus at Westmarch to actuate the quest.

You'll accept to bisect and beat anniversary important breadth of Alcazar Cyrangar while adverse off adjoin the assertive alcohol who abide anniversary room. Afterwards you've completed your Warband accept austere out the apartment in the castle, you can affectation your Warband banner, and afresh accept your associates booty over and advance these rooms.

Once you've auspiciously fought off Alcazar Cyrangar, you'll alleviate two playable modes (Standard admission and Endless mode) to avert your stronghold. If you're no drifter to Overwatch this will comedy out in a agnate way to Junkenstein's Revenge which requires you to face an advance of foes that will arise your way every round. You'll acquire candied rewards like Ancestral Weapons as able-bodied as Invocation Accessory that accompany about your Ancestral Weapon Effects.

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