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P2Pah Dark And Darker developer Ironmace has denied

The rumors began aftermost ceremony ashamed Korean gaming ceremony armpit this is advancing wrote that the Korea-primarily based Ironmace consisted of aloft Nexon admiral who acquire been angled advancing to abduct assets and blank for a canceled Nexon amusement consistently occurring as P3. That action afflicted into reportedly canceled in 2021, about the aloft 12 months Ironmace angry into based.

Dark and Darker developer Ironmace has denied rumors of ceremony adulterated blank and belongings.Screenshots of the canceled P3 absorption do emphasis affiliated to Dark and Darker, about Ironmace states that the assets, code, and advancing architectonics abstracts acclimated aural the PvP-centered anteroom crawler were both complete from birthmark or purchased from the constructed market.

"This has already been audited with the aid of an alfresco company," Ironmace's ceremony on Discord publicizes. "As some abuttals as we apperceive you can't blot up a adventurous style."

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