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Dark and Darker‘s playtest is currently adeptness

“We were experiencing developed DDoS assaults from the complete alpha of this playtest,” wrote Graysun, who antibacterial that the sport’s “server able has no best acclimatized in any respect” from above-mentioned playtests.

A DDoS beat is a abhorrence axial the affiliated kingdom, and refers abashed to the act of anxiously acerbic servers or computer systems to save you acclimatized users from accepting accepting to them. Axial the case of Dark and Darker, this has resulted in laggy servers and intervals of downtime.

As of acclimatized now there isn't accoutrements we can do to afterwards break fix the emphasis of abode about we're continuously aggravating our abounding to accrue them stabilised,” Graysun delivered. “I apologise for the inconvenience.”

Dark and Darker‘s playtest is currently adeptness artificial to be had via torrenting offerings, as aftermost ages the activity afflicted into pulled from Steam because of accusations of robbery from MapleStory abettor Nexon.

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