..............F O R U M......... Bessarabiendeutscher Verein e.V.


He'll have channeled energy into his wings

This mechanic is simple but interesting. At a certain point in the battle, Achates will mark two players, one with a blue mark and the other with a red mark. These marks indicate a curse that must be cleansed before the marks disappear.

The way to cleanse the curse is for the players to stand extremely close together until the marks are removed. Failing to do this properly will result in the one marked by red taking damage over time. This effect usually results in death. The blue player will not be penalized for failing to clear the curse.

When Achates is enraged, he will frequently execute a Roar maneuver. This mechanic will apply a power debuff that stacks on players. Players can keep track of this debuff on their status bar.

The only way to stop this mechanic is to stagger Achates. Doing so will remove the debuffs and remove the enraged state from the boss.

Power Up
When players reach the one-minute mark in the battle, Achates will begin to power up. He will be immobile and wholly exposed to receive significant damage. Players should take advantage of this opportunity to deal as much damage as possible.

Once he is done powering himself up, he'll have channeled energy into his wings. This energy allows him to perform wing attacks, making him more challenging.

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