..............F O R U M......... Bessarabiendeutscher Verein e.V.


Fans would like to see the continuation of StarCraft games

I'm trying to come up with the best way to approach this without unnecessary vilifying Activision. I guess my question is, are the business realities in the present day as your relationship that you have with the parent corporation, Activision, such that you will continue to do business this way? Is Blizzard in a position of autonomy to say, 'We aren't convinced that this is an idea that's worth our time, so we're going to end it, and then we're going have to go back to our sketch board ... You might not be seeing another game from us for the next five, 10 years or whatever else it could be?' Are you in a situation where you can do that?

You know, there were a handful of questions that I had when Mike told me, "Hey, you should think about taking this job." There were a few questions I had for him as well as a few questions I had for Bobby Kotick, the CEO of Activisionand the other staff members working at Activision Blizzard. The issue you're discussing is a topic that's vital to the essence of what it is to be Blizzard in both standpoint of a developer perspective and also, honestly the community and fan's point of view.

Here's what I'm going add. Here we are and we are getting ready for an event called the World of Warcraft League Finals that was created with the help of some of the people at Activision Blizzard, and the desire that they have is the same as the desire that we have for our games, which is to get our games exposed to and being played by millions of gamers all around the world.I believe we all have different ways of thinking about the best way to achieve that goal, but our goals are similar and closely aligned with them.

The issue from a fan point of view is, if the moment that it appears that the World of Warcraft League can't retain the level of excitement it needs, will Activision suddenly change its mind to "Well now, you've got to deliver the next game soon," and that's where the clash of ideology could happen, where it's like,"Well, we work in a way where you might not be able to play another World of Warcraft for another 10 years." Are you at a point where you control the outcome of your games, but won't be told what to do with them or be forced to develop them in a different manner to satisfy demands.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I believe this is the way that Blizzard has worked traditionally, using this kind of bottom-up approach to what the games we'd like to develop and continue to develop are and [that's] what's essential. That's so intrinsic and so inherent to the DNA of Blizzard, I don't know how Blizzard succeeds in any other way.

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